
The boost you need to maximize your energy profitability

Experts in energy efficiency

An energy efficiency engineering team that offers the services you need to improve your entire facilities and optimize energy performance to the maximum.

About Pulse Energy

Tailored solutions focused on your needs

With more than 15 years of experience in the sector, we have a versatile team that covers projects and works throughout the country. From large international industries to small domestic actions, we provide “turnkey” solutions.

Discover your energy saving potential and maximize your profitability

“We need to activate new energy efficiency models in companies to increase their competitiveness in this volatile present”.
Jorge Tecles Giménez, CEO Pulse Energía

High energy costs, waste due to lack of knowledge about consumption, decarbonization as a requirement, the entry into force of the 2030 Agenda or the deterioration of facilities due to lack of maintenance or updating, are some of the most common problems of the companies.

Improve the competitiveness of your company , we help you...

From a single place and in a simple way. We take care of all the processes and accompany you from the beginning to the end in efficient energy management.

A tailored solution

Our engineering team, experts in energy efficiency, evaluates each case to offer the ideal solution that guarantees maximum energy performance. More than a client, you are our partner.

These are the services we offer

Energy solutions


Technical and energy audits, project drafting, construction management, health and safety coordination, energy certifications, processing of grants and subsidies.


We guarantee to extend the useful life of the installations and their efficiency, allowing the operation of the energy systems through integral maintenance services.


A wide range of installations such as electrical, air conditioning, heating, aerothermal, biomass, solar pumping, hybrid installations, gas, lighting or EV chargers.

Real-time monitoring

With our technology our customers can have total control over energy
consumption and gain

Energy communities

We promote autonomy and collaboration in energy production and consumption to improve the profitability rate of the facilities.

Subtitulo 006 - Recent Project

Titulo 009 - Our Latest Case Studies

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¿Quieres ser uno de ellos?

Nuestros clientes opinan


Me han tramitado todo, desde la instalación de placas solares en la empresa (una nave) y en mi casa. Me han buscado todas las subvenciones, que por cierto compensan, para beneficiarme de un jugoso descuento. Estoy ahorrando casi un 75% en la factura.

Count on our team

At Pulse Energía we are at your service

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